Saturday, July 27, 2024

Hills Digestive Care Dog Food

Questo Alimento Adatto Al Mio Animale

Hill’s Prescription Diet Digestive Care Dog Food | Chewy

Questo alimento è indicato per i cani che soffrono di :

  • Gastroenterite acuta
  • Costipazione
  • Flatulenza – Gastrite
  • Disturbi gastrointestinali nei cuccioli
  • Convalescenza dopo interventi di chirurgia gastrointestinale
  • Crescita, sindrome di Cushing
  • Neoplasia, per la maggior parte delle forme

Altre indicazioni:

  • Forme di enteropatia cronica : risposta al cambio di dieta / risposta agli antibiotici / risposta ai corticosteroidi
  • Insufficienza pancreatica esocrina
  • Anoressia, cachessia e perdita di peso
  • Debilitazione, malnutrizione e convalescenza
  • Chirurgia

Hills Recall History List:

Since the company’s founding, there have been multiple recalls of this dog food. Here they are in reverse chronological order.

  • Hills recalls 25 different brands of dry and wet food due to elevated levels of Vitamin D.
  • Hills recalls six different brands of Science Diet due to labeling concerns.
  • Hills recalls Science Diet small and toy breed dry foods for possible salmonella contamination.

Is Raw Dog Food Better

Many dog owners choose to feed raw dog food to their canines because they see it as more natural. Still, there are no studies to support that raw feeding is better than traditional dog food.

But those who try it find it healthier because of its benefits by just making sure it is balanced.

Everyone has the right to choose what kind of food they’re feeding to their pup. Because their healthy growth doesn’t depend on what type of food, it depends on the nutritional benefits.

Also Check: What Is Mixed Tocopherols In Dog Food

When Can I Start My Puppy On A Raw Diet

Your dog’s age doesn’t matter if you want to feed them raw food. But, starting them on a raw diet at an early age would be a great help for them to get used to it. It would also help them prevent indigestions.

You just need to ensure the right amount for them and if it is safe for them. But, there are also things that you need to consider, just like the potential risk they might face.

How Long Will It Take For My Order To Arrive


Petbarn online orders will take from 2 – 10 business days to arrive, depending on destination and shipping method. Metro orders are usually received within five working days and up to ten days for regional and rural areas. Delivery times may be subject to stock availability and Public Holidays, as such receipt of orders may be extended by up to 21 days.

Petbarn will notify you when your order has been dispatched.

What happens if my order does not arrive in the estimated time frame?

Also Check: Who Owns Wellness Dog Food

Raw Food Rules For Cats

There are two main rules for feeding cats. When you follow these, youre working with the cats natural nutritional patterns.

  • Feed your cat nose-to-tail animals that are smaller than they are . This includes bones, muscles, and organs especially the heart.Be careful about giving cats too much liver they can get vitamin A toxicity from liver. This recipe has a good amount you want it to replicate what they would get if they were hunting in the wild: Muscle meat and liver/heart/kidney. If you can find small animals that is a more natural diet for a cat!
  • If your food is not fresh and raw, supplement with the essential amino acid taurine.
  • After seeing so much success with switching our cat Bob to a raw food diet for kidney disease, friends and family and readers have been asking me about a recipe for kittens and healthy cats.

    The only change to the Feline Kidney Care Raw Food recipe is that I used bone-in chicken in place of the beef, as it contains the healthy fats from the skin as well as bone bone that cats need to grow and maintain bone health. Cats with kidney disease need to limit their phospherous, but cats without kidney disease should NOT limit phosphorous and should include bones in the diet.

    Is this recipe enough taurine? I wasnt sure, since taurine in the chicken heart may degrade when its frozen, and my chicken hearts come frozen. Since taurine is so essential to cats, I sprinkle powdered taurine, 1 pinch, on each container of his food .

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    Its a fact, feeding your pup a diet of 100% human grade dog food is easy, cost effective, and WAY better for them than a traditional doggie diet of processed kibble! My easy homemade dog food recipe combines lean ground beef, wholesome brown rice, fresh vegetables, hard boiled eggs, and tender herbs for a healthy, vibrant alternative to traditional dog food that has given our 11 year old dog a new lease on life!

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    Tutti I Vantaggi Del Alimento Umido Hill’s Canine Prescription Diet

    Il alimento umido per cani Hill`s Prescription Diet presenta una vasta gamma di prodotti volti a risolvere problemi comuni nei cani quali disordini gastro-intestinali, patologie renali, problemi di sovrappeso, di mobilità e manifestazioni dermatologiche. Per un problema comune a molti cani e a molte razze canine, c’é l’Hill’s Canine Metabolic Prescription Diet, un alimento umido innovativo con complesso di nutrienti formulato per bruciare i grassi, adatto ai cani in sovrappeso o che hanno appena terminato un programma di dieta, dal momento che questo alimento aiuta a mantenere il peso. Inoltre la caratteristica peculiare di quest’alimento è che farà sentire sazio l’animale più a lungo.

    Altri alimenti umidi che contrastano il sovrappeso e l’obesità sono il r/d e il w/d che contengono L-Carnitina per un metabolismo più veloce e che mantengono il cane sazio per lungo tempo. Il Low Fat-i/d Prescription Diet è un alimento a ridotto contenuto di grassi per i soggetti in sovrappeso che allevia i disturbi gastrointestinali.

    Oltre ai tanti benefici, tutti i alimenti umidi Hill’s Prescription Diet hanno delle controindicazioni, di cui il dietetico dovrà tenere conto. Quindi è importante consultarlo prima della somministrazione di questi alimenti e ogni 6 mesi durante il trattamento con gli stessi, nel caso in cui le condizioni del cane peggiorassero, visitarlo immediatamente!

    My German Shephard X Collie

    Hill’s Prescription Diet Digestive Care Cat Food | Chewy


    My dog got diagnosed with liver decease and was told to put her on hepatic L/D, but blood tests are now clear but have been told to keep her on it incase of relapse but she also has sensitive stomach and so I’m thinking of putting her on L/D dry and i/d wet tins. Can someone advise me if that is ok?

    Dr. John Cousins BVSc MRCVS

    • VioVet Staff

    Blood tests for liver problems are very sensitive so if she is clear on a blood test, you probably have no real need to continue with a liver support diet. The i/d food is probably very appropriate for her so I would keep her on just that.

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    Hill’s Science Diet Adult Perfect Weight Chicken Recipe

    First Five Ingredients: Chicken, Cracked Pearled Barley, Brown Rice, Pea Fiber, Corn Gluten Meal.

    Hill’s Science Diet Adult Perfect Weight Chicken Recipe is a dry dog food specially formulated to help dogs achieve a healthy weight. Made with real chicken, this formula helps build lean and strong muscles.

    Prebiotic fibers are included for digestibility. A clinically proven blend of antioxidants with vitamins C and E is included to help boost the immune system.

    Like all Hills Science Diet recipes this Perfect Weight chicken recipe is backed by decades of scientific research. It is recommended by numerous vets globally.

    According to reviews, dogs love the rich chicken flavor of this Science Diet formula. The are excited for mealtimes and gobble up the pieces. However, some find the new and improved version of this food to have kibbles that are too small for their liking.

    The smaller kibbles are preferred by some older and smaller dogs, as they are much easier to chew and digest. It has indeed been effective in managing the weights of dogs. Many of them have lost excess pounds and are able to maintain healthy weights.

    What Are Todays Most Popular Hills Digestive Care Dog Food Models

    There are many hills digestive care dog food items accessible today for men and women seeking quality and reliability. Every hills digestive care dog food model follows the same essential premise. But they appeal to various users.Its no secret that certain products appeal to specific populations. What if you could see which products were the most popular across all consumers? You can, and weve got the list. Check out our collection of products that appear to appeal to all ages, genders, and locations.

    Also Check: What Is The Healthiest Dog Food

    At The End Of 2019 During Our Yearly Vet Check We Received The Horrible News That Our Dog Was In Stage 4 Kidney Failure

    Honestly, I was in total shock, how did we miss this?! He is with me all day, every day!! He just seemed like he was dealing with some symptoms of old age frequent urination, sometimes excessive water drinking, and I would notice occasionally that he would have a mild case of diarrhea. It definitely didnt feel like life threatening symptoms to us! As much as the diagnosis was a shock, the price tag of the prescription diet that we were told he would need to eat for the remainder of his life was pretty horrifying too! When I asked our vet how long we had left with him the prognosis wasn’t good, 3-6 months maybe 9 if we were lucky. We had to wait 6 weeks for a follow up blood panel to really know what kind of timeline we were looking at.

    Alimento Completo Altamente Digeribile Per Cani


    L’alimento secco per cani Hill’s Prescription Diet i/d è un alimento dall’ottimo sapore clinicamente testato per aiutare a ridurre i disturbi digestivi.Questo alimento altamente digeribile è arricchito con elettoliti e vitamine del gruppo B per garantire un facile assorbimento dei nutrienti e sostituire i nutrienti persi.Hill’s Prescription Diet i/d secco per cani è appositamente formulato per aiutare a ridurre i disturbi digestivi e soddisfa le esigenze nutrizionali speciali di cuccioli e cani adulti.

    • Realizzato con la tecnologia esclusiva di Hill’s ActivBiome +, una speciale miscela di fibre prebiotiche, clinicamente testata per nutrire rapidamente il microbioma intestinale per supportare la qualità ottimale delle feci e la salute dell’apparato digerente.
    • Arricchito con Omega-3 e Omega-6 e antiossidanti clinicamente testati per aiutare a sostenere un sistema immunitario sano.

    IngredientiCereali, carne e derivati di origine animale , uova e derivati dell’uovo, derivati di origine vegetale, estratti proteici vegetali, oli e grassi, minerali, frutta, semi. Ingredienti altamente digeribili: mais, mezzagrana di riso, uova intere disidratate, pollo e tacchino disidratati, farina di glutine di mais, grasso animale, olio vegetale.

    Modalità d’uso giornaliero

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    Perch Scegliere Il Pat Hill’s Prescription Diet Canine I/d Ab+ Al Tacchino

    Il paté Hills Prescription Diet I/D AB+ digestive care offrono una dieta clinica che aiuta a ridurre i disturbi digestivi nei cani.

    I nutrizionisti e i veterinari Hill’s hanno elaborato un’alimentazione clinica per alleviare i disturbi digestivi. Questo alimento è stato realizzato con ingredienti di altissima qualità. Questi ingredienti devono soddisfare i più severi standard di purezza e contenuto di sostanze nutritive per fornire al vostro animale domestico un’alimentazione di altissima qualità.

    L’alimentazione umida i/d digestive care risponde alle esigenze nutrizionali sia dei cuccioli che dei cani adulti. È facile da digerire per il tuo cane

    Contiene vitamine del gruppo B ed elettroliti che aiutano ad assorbire i nutrienti e a compensarne la perdita.

    La formula contiene la tecnologia degli ingredienti ActivBiome+ di Hill. Si tratta di una miscela brevettata di fibre prebiotiche che nutre il microbioma intestinale e aiuta a ridurre i disturbi digestivi.

    È altamente digeribile, migliora la digestione e agisce rapidamente per migliorare la qualità delle feci.

    Contiene antiossidanti che favoriscono la salute del sistema immunitario del cane.

    Questa ricetta è una fonte di Omega 3 e 6 che favoriscono un pelo lucido e una pelle sana.

    È importante continuare a somministrare questo alimento per mantenere la salute dell’apparato digerente del cane. Per ulteriori informazioni, consultare il veterinario.

    Istruzioni Per Un Uso Corretto

    Il mangime è pronto per luso e va servito a temperatura ambiente. Lasciare sempre a disposizione dellanimale acqua fresca.

    Razione media consigliata

    40 – 60 kg. 1100 – 1800

    Questi dosaggi sono da considerarsi indicativi, in quanto le esigenze dei cani cambiano. Adattare le dosi al fine di mantenere il peso corporeo ottimale.

    Dopo lapertura conservare in frigorifero e consumare entro 2 giorni.

    Also Check: How To Make Home Cooked Dog Food

    How Does It Work

    Just follow these four easy steps…

  • Select the product you require, tell us how many, and what frequency you would like delivery.
  • Tell us which of your pets this is for, then select ‘Add to basket’
  • Set up your regular payment and checkout paying for your first items today
  • Sit back, relax and enjoy! You will never run out of your regular products.
  • How Much Raw Food To Feed A Puppy

    Hill’s Prescription Diet i/d Digestive Care Chicken Cat food pouch opening 11031AN

    This question was frequently asked by those new puppy owners.

    Every dog requires the right amount of food to take. So, considering their age, size, and energy level would be the best help.

    For your adult dog, an average of 2 or 3% of their ideal weight per day would be great. However, it’s different for your puppies. So, they require lesser than the old ones.

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    Hills Prescription Diet Digestive Care I/ddog Food Review

    Although this is a prescription product, our review has nothing to do with the accuracy of claims made by the manufacturer as to the products ability to treat or cure a specific health condition.

    So, to find out whether or not this dog food is appropriate for your particular pet, you must consult your veterinarian.

    With that understanding

    Judging by its ingredients alone, Hills Prescription Diet Digestive Care I/D Canine looks like an average dry kibble.

    The dashboard displays a dry matter protein reading of 27%, a fat level of 15% and estimated carbohydrates of about 50%.

    As a group, the brand features an average protein content of 25% and a mean fat level of 13%. Together, these figures suggest a carbohydrate content of 55% for the overall product line.

    And a fat-to-protein ratio of about 51%.

    Below-average protein. Below-average fat. And above-average carbs when compared to a typical dry dog food.

    When you consider the protein-boosting effect of the pea protein and corn gluten meal, this looks like the profile of a kibble containing a modest amount of meat.

    Bottom line?

    Hills Prescription Diet Digestive Care I/D Canine is a grain-inclusive dry dog food using a modest amount of named meat and by-product meals as its dominant source of animal protein.

    However, due to its intentional therapeutic design, this dog food is not rated.

    Can I Add Rice To My Dog’s Raw Food

    Many raw feeders do not include foods like rice even oats in their dog’s meal. But, it’s up to the owners and dogs’ preference if they feed rice together with raw dog food.

    Raw feeding with rice is not inadequate because the only thing that matters is the quality of the food your dog can acquire.

    However, most feeders do not recommend rice because it’s rich in carbohydrates which will be converted to sugar. This sugar is usually the cause of some cancers in dogs. So, reducing rice would also reduce health risks.

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    Is Homemade Raw Food For Your Dog Safe

    I cannot say whether or not the BARF dog food will be beneficial for your dog. So, If you’re considering switching your pup to a raw diet, be sure to consult your veterinarian or a canine nutritionist.

    And if the expert that you consult recommends the raw food diet for your pet, they will also help you create a customized dietary plan that will meet your dog’s specific nutritional needs.

    They will be able to explain the best protein choices for your pup and tell you how to create the best raw puppy food recipes on your own.

    It’s also likely that they will recommend adding supplements or a multi-vitamin to the recipes to meet your dog’s nutritional needs.

    However, they will evaluate your pooch and discuss the proper amounts of nutrients that your dog’s diet should include.

    For beginners, this information about raw dog food is different for every dog, depending on its breed and many other variables.

    Wondering How Much Homemade Dog Food Your Dog Needs Each Day

    Buy Hills Prescription Diet i/d Digestive Care Chicken &  Vegetable Stew ...

    This will obviously vary from dog to dog, but a general rule of thumb is for every 10 pounds your dog weighs they should be fed roughly 1 cup of prepared food. If needed you can always call and consult with you vet about transitioning your dog’s diet and the amount of food your dog should eat each day. Just remember, if your pup is living with kidney disease like ours you will want to break up the amount of food they receive into smaller meals throughout the day. Instead of one big meal each day you will need to divide meals up into 2-3 smaller feedings. This will make it much easier for your dogs’ kidneys to do their job.

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